This week it's not gin that's been keeping me busy though, it's bridge building! I have been actively engaged in supporting my humans to re-build a bridge, which then had to be put back across a wee burn, in order to allow me and my Mum, my Aunt, and my Granny to fully explore the back garden. In the picture below you can see me supervising the final fitting and ensuring that the humans are using all the right equipment.
The bridge is also a very important link because I need to overcome a slightly embarrassing doggy problem – I can’t swim. I know as a Labrador that this is pretty big issue, especially given that my Mum, granny and aunt are rather like otters when they leap into the water. All in all, it's becoming a bit of an issue.
This is particularly so, because in the newly re-dug pond is a small hill, this hill is right in the middle of the pond and to get to it you have to swim……I’ve has been eyeing up this challenge and I am determined to become the King of this particular (small) Hill.
So you need to watch this space, the humans are contemplating donning either a wetsuit or waders to help me overcome this slight doggy hiccup. There is no doubt though, that once I gain my water wings I will be King of this particular Hill (well mound really).