Firstly, a bit of history. Navy strength gin is any gin distilled over 57.15% abv – essentially Royal Navy ships of the line in olden days carried large quantities of gin to provide ‘grog’ for the sailors. It was essential that if the gin ever spilled and ran into the gunpowder that the powder would always fire if needed in the ship’s cannons. Some bright spark deduced that anything over 57% abv would always go ‘bang’ if lit - thus the term gun powder or Navy gin was born (as a bright Labrador I believe that everyday should be a school day!)
Pentland Hills Navy Gin is now available, the gin has been tested and tasted by friends and family over the past 6 months. The gin retains all of the wonderful flavours that you enjoy with our original gin, what you will also taste is a slightly fuller flavour which is remarkably smooth. This is what our friend Paul Jackson, Editor and Head Judge from The Gin Guide thinks of the tipple:
Pentland Hills Navy Strength delivers all the benefits of a high ABV spirit but without the downsides that so often accompany them. The extent of the ABV is not given away on the nose and there's not a harshness from the alcohol to uncover it either, rather the silky mouthfeel is the real giveaway - it is sumptuously smooth and full-bodied in a way that only a Navy Strength Gin could be.
When neat or with a drop of water it is the earthier notes and spice that are prominent on the palate before the flavours journey into a finish of citrus fruits and herbal notes of mint. Then with a dash of tonic the vibrant citrus and cardamom flavours are elevated and deliver excellent balance with the earthiness and spice. This is a gorgeous gin in its own right and it is made even more pleasing by the subtle characteristics, especially in the finish, that connect it with Tarbraxus Distillers' original Pentland Hills Gin.
Introducing The Multi Role Bottle
Now there is also another interesting twist to the way in which we offer our gin, if you already own a bottle of our gin you can, if you wish, have it refilled with our normal or the new Navy Strength gin – we call it the ‘Multi Role Gin Bottle’ in honour of the Royal Air Force’s Tornado fighter which was originally called the Multi Role Combat Aircraft. So, one bottle for life, 2 gins – what more can we say – all you need to do is select a refill of your choice and send the bottle back – just so you don’t get confused the Navy Gin has some paper labels added which can be washed off when refill time comes and it looks like this:
I am very excited to woof about this new gin. Also, some other thoughts – we just love the idea of the Multi Role Gin Bottle – for us it underpins our continued desire for sustainability and to evolve our thinking about how the gin is offered to our customers.
Finally the Navy Strength Gin honours our paternal Grandfather – Chief Petty Officer Henry John Cox, he along with many of his comrades lost their lives when their ship, HMS Electra, was sunk during the Battle of the Java Sea in 1942. We honour him and all those who were lost and will donate £1 from every bottle sold to the Royal Navy Benevolent Trust.